RX5 and CyberPoint would like to introduce you to an Innovative Cybersecurity Training Initiative, Cyber Unity.
Cyber Unity is a process, a place, and a future certification where an interested individual can unite with others and get access to the skills, training, practice, and certification they need to begin a career in cybersecurity and defensive cyberspace operations. Cyber Unity is bringing real-life cyber operations training to everyone especially underserved individuals.
Our team has trained hundreds of individuals across the world from middle-school students to post-college adults in defensive and offensive cyber operations without forcing classroom style lectures onto participants.
We focus on interactive experiences that are all designed around live challenges where people compete against each other to defend realistic environments.
Cyber Unity consists of 3 phases:
Cyber Unity Certification is our planned realistic achievement that our team members can achieve that can help them obtain permanent employment in a cybersecurity position. This program is currently under development.
Cyber Unity Practice events are engagements participants can practice a specific technique on portable stations. These are designed to demonstration important skills (KSA) that are required for key cybersecurity jobs.
Cyber Unity is a process, a place, and a future certification where an interested individual can unite with others and get access to the skills, training, practice, and certification they need to begin a career in cybersecurity and defensive cyberspace operations.